EXPLOTACIONES PARTICIPADAS, S.L., on its own behalf or that of a third party contracted to provide analysis, advertising, or interaction services, uses cookies when the User navigates the website www.huertodelacondesa.com and its subdomains (hereinafter referred to as “Huerto de la Condesa”).

A cookie is a file that is downloaded to the User’s computer when accessing certain websites, allowing these sites, among other things, to store and retrieve information about the User’s browsing habits or device, and, depending on the information they contain and the way in which the device is used, they can be used to recognize a User.

The cookies used by this Website, as well as their purpose, are described below:

Navigation Cookies:

These cookies, managed by EXPLOTACIONES PARTICIPADAS, S.L., allow the User to log in so they can navigate the Website without having to enter their details continuously, and enable us to provide the service requested by the User, as well as a personalized browsing experience.

Persistent Analysis Cookies:

(Google/Universal Analytics, Google Adwords, Splio, etc.): These cookies, managed by third parties, allow us to quantify the number of users, analyze their browsing behavior, and carry out statistical analysis on how users use our services. This is done to improve the browsing experience and the services we offer. The data obtained through these types of cookies will remain stored on the User’s device and may be processed each time the User accesses the Website until the cookies expire or the User deletes them.

Persistent Behavioral Advertising Cookies:

(Adgravity, Adsalsa, Antevenio, Bing, Cactus Road, Criteo, Facebook, Google Adwords, Guía de Prensa, iBrands, Inka Marketing, Leads Global, Outbrain, Premier Leads, Prisa, Public Ideas, Smart4ads, Taboola, Tradedoubler, Twitter, Unidad Editorial, Vocento, Youtube, etc.): These cookies, managed by third parties, allow us to manage and measure the effectiveness of third-party advertising on our Website, as well as provide information on the User’s browsing habits on our Website to the advertising network to display advertising tailored to their browsing, enabling the creation of a specific profile.

Persistent Interaction Cookies (Zendesk/Zopim):

These cookies, managed by third parties, allow us to interact with our users in a personalized and immediate way through a contact form and a chat service.

For third-party cookies, we suggest that you consult their website for additional information on these cookies.

The User can manage their browser cookies through the browser settings. We invite you to check your browser’s help section for more information on how to manage cookies (delete, not accept new cookies, receive a notification of a new cookie, etc.).

Continuing to browse the Website implies acceptance of the installation of the indicated cookies. In this context, “continuing to browse” means clicking on any button, checkbox, or link on the Website, scrolling, or downloading any content offered on the site.